Il Biancone Numero 6 - Anno  2011




Cinque anni di inanellamento nel ponente ligure (2005 – 2009).  Alessio Chiusi & Rudy Valfiorito

Abstract: Bird ringing is an important tool used in wild bird’s study, by attaching a small, individually numbered, tag to their legs. This method allows to study various aspects of the bird's life by the re-trapping the same individual later, including migration, longevity, mortality, population studies, territoriality, feeding behaviour, etc. We report data about 5 years of birds ringing in West Liguria from 2005 to 2009. A total of 4954 birds were ringed of 83 different species. Some uncommon birds were trapped and some interesting recoveries were reported.  Preliminary data about migration and wintering strategies in West Liguria are analyzed for the main mist-netted species.


Esperienza di monitoraggio multicentrico e simultaneo dei migratori acquatici alle foci dei principali corsi d'acqua liguri. Risultati del terzo (2010) e ultimo anno di rilevamento. Luca Baghino, Alessio Chiusi, Roberto Giagnoni, Carla Rapetti, Rudy Valfiorito

Abstract – The third year (2010) results of a survey on the migratory waterbirds halting at the mouth of some main streams in Liguria in three spring and two autumn sampling periods are analysed and summarized.

L'Usignolo del Giappone Leiothrix lutea (Scopoli,1786) nel ponente ligure.  Alessio Chiusi
Abstract - Red-billed Leiothrix Leiothrix lutea is a colorful bird native of the South East Asia with a melodious song that was introduced in different country around the world as well as in Italy.  Four main populations are described in Italy, two in Tuscany, one in Veneto and one in Liguria. The Ligurian distribution of this species was restricted to the central and southern part of the region in the provinces of La Spezia and Genova, where it was accidentally introduced.  Data from Western Liguria and data coming from trapping and ringing of eight birds in Savona province (W. Liguria) are reported.

Report annuale ligure:  2010.  Redattori  L.Baghino e M.Bottero