Il Biancone Numero 7 - Anno  2012



Il colore della palpebra nella determinazione dell'età del Codibugnolo Aegithalos caudatus (Linnaeus, 1758).  Alessio Chiusi

Abstract – The use of the eye-lid colour on the determination of the age in Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus (Linnaeus, 1758) – In Long-tailed Tit is commonly accepted (SVENSSON 1992) that after post-juvenile moult it is impossible to distinguish from adult and first year birds. Moult begin about end of June - beginning of July and ended about second week of September. After post-juvenile moult a different pattern of coloured eye-lid is detectable in trapped birds. Eye-lids are larger above than below and the colours range varies from pale yellow to deep red. 

Preliminary data comparison of a sample of adults and juveniles, were age  were determined before moulting, or after a year  of the first ringing, suggested that birds having  a redder eye-lids were apparently the only one born in the same year of first ringing. On the contrary bird that was classified as adult never shows a red coloured eye-ring. Even if more data are request to confirm this hypothesis we propose to use colour of eye-lids as useful character to determinate age in Long-tailed Tits after post-breeding moult.

Note su un caso di nidificazione costiera di Cincia dal ciuffo  Lophophanes cristatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Liguria.  Daniele Baroni

Abstract – In this paper we describe the nesting of a pair of Crested Tit Lophophanes cristatus which was successfully reproduced in the City Park of Arenzano (Liguria) at only 265 m of linear distance from the sea and at an altitude of 16 m a.s.l. This record should be placed in the framework of territorial expansion of the species in the Appennines (northern Italy), which would be insensitive to the height and various climatic factors, while positively affected by the availability of nest sites and the presence of food resources, that the Crested Tit found in the Park.

Prima cattura ligure di Tordo oscuro Turdus obscurus (J.F. Gmelin, 1789).  Enrico Borgo

Abstract – First Ligurian report of Eye-browed Thrush Turdus obscurus (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) – Data on the first Ligurian report of Eye-browed Thrush are reported: it is a first year male found near Villa Cella (or Villacella), Rezzoaglio (GE – NW Italy), the 9 November 2011. Actually it is stored at the ornithological collections of the Museum of Natural History “G. Doria” of Genoa (MSNG 56896).


Esperienza di monitoraggio multicentrico e simultaneo dei migratori acquatici alle foci dei  principali corsi d'acqua liguri. Lista delle specie e considerazioni.  Marcello Bottero & Enrico Borgo

Abstract – Experience of simultaneous and multicenter monitoring of migratory waterfowl at the mouth of major rivers of Liguria. Species list and considerations. – In addition to what already appeared on previous issues of this bulletin a species list and some data about this period (2008-2010) are reported.

Stop over di una Cannaiola verdognola Acrocephalus palustris in macchia mediterranea.  Alessio Chiusi

Abstract – Stop-over of a Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris in Mediterranean scrub – Data on weight and fat relative to an individual of Marsh Warbler who stopped eight days on Mediterranean scrub ambient in Liguria are reported. 

Abitanti delle serre.  Alessio Chiusi

Abstract - Inhabitants of the greenhouses. Greenhouses are man-made structures built for plant protection. I reported how birds interacts with this artificial structures on the base of personal experience during seven years of observation.

Quando la fame è più forte della paura.  Alessio Chiusi

Abstract – When hunger is stronger than fear – Wild birds are usually shy to get too close to human activities. In unfavourable condition when food are difficult to find they became more tame and reduce the flay distance. I reported tree different cases of a handheld wild birds that were so bold to feed during bird ringing activities.

Report annuale ligure:  2011.  Redattori  E.Borgo e M.Bottero