Il Biancone Numero 11 - Anno 2016
La migrazione pre-nuziale dei rapaci a Costa Fagaglia (GE) – anno 2016
Marcello Bottero
Abstract – The raptors’ pre-breeding migration at Costa Fagaglia (GE). In the spring of 2016, for the third consecutive year, in the site of Costa Fagaglia (Central Liguria - near Genoa Prà) were conducted two counting periods dedicated to two raptor’s target species included in Annex I of the “Birds” Directive, namely Short-toed Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus and Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus. In a total of 61 days, with a total effort of 283.45 hours, were counted 7916 individuals for a total of 23 species of birds of prey observed, which leads to a daily index of 129.8 indd./day.
L’Airone guardabuoi Bubulcus ibis in Liguria: importanza nazionale dell’area del fiume Magra per lo svernamento della specie.
Roberto Giagnoni, Claudio Grillo, Marco Fortunato
Abstract - The Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis in Liguria: national importance of the area of the River Magra for the wintering of the species. The Cattle Egret has been expanding his area since the middle of the XIX century. This article reports historical and recent data of the presence of this specie in Liguria: the Magra River is one the 29 most important sites in Italy for the wintering.
Gli Uccelli di Pratorondanino
Gianni Lucchi, Daniele Baroni & Giuseppe Valeri
Abstract – The birds of Pratorondanino. In a three-year period (2012 2014) we studied the birds of an area of 75 hectares surrounding the “Pratorondanino” botanical garden in Ligurian Appennine. We found 75 species, with a rich community of woodland birds typical of mature forests. Open habitats (equine pastures and marshy fields) offer food resources both in winter (Common Snipe, Hen Harrier, Meadow Pipit) and in breeding period (Barn Swallow, Tree Pipit, Yellowhammer). The Black Woodpecker breeds in the study area as a result of a recent eastward expansion in Ligurian Appennine. We confirm nesting of the Red Crossbill in May. These data on bird diversity of Pratorondanino will help the naturalistic promotion of the area, following previous surveys on plants, dragonflies, reptiles and amphibians.
Rapaci svernanti in Liguria: importanti conferme
Marcello Bottero
Abstract – Wintering raptors in Liguria: important confirmations. Two important cases of wintering raptors in Liguria are reported: Biancone Circaetus gallicus and Grifone Gyps fulvus occurred in the winter of 2015-2016.
Report annuale ligure: 2015. Redattori E.Borgo e M.Bottero