Il Biancone Numero 8 - Anno 2013
Check-list degli Uccelli di LIGURIA. Luca Baghino, Enrico Borgo, Marcello Bottero, Loris Galli & Rudy Valfiorito
Cinciarella vs. Cincia azzurra, un unico gene coinvolto nella formazione del fenotipo dei due piumaggi, ipotesi di lavoro. Alessio Chiusi
Abstract – Blue Tit vs. Azure Tit, a single gene involved in the formation of the phenotype of the two plumages, working hypothesis. Bird’s feathers colors is mainly doe to two different mechanism: physical structure of the feathers that reflecting light give iridescent colors, and chemicals color, pigment, accumulated in the feathers. Two categories of pigments are known melanin and carotenoids. Melanin are responsible for black brown color and carotenoids for yellow and red. Green color instead is a result of a mixing of melanin and carotenoid. Different genes control the accumulation of pigment in feathers and they may be regulate differently during different stages of life. In Parus caeruleus some variability on plumages on individuals captured and ringed in western Liguria has made as speculate on how this gene are involved in different plumage and in the formation on related species Parus cyanus. These two species hybridizes in overlapping area and hybrid is known as Pleske’s tit. Base on the phenotipical result on this hybrid we suppose that only one gene are involved by splitting the phenotype of these two species.
Parus cyanus has one dominant gene with partially penetration that suppress carotenoid accumulation, furthermore we suppose that the different plumage seen in young and adult Parus caeruleus is doe to a silencing of a gene that allow carotenoid accumulation in the body except on belly and breast.
A working hypothesis will be discussed.
Osservazione di Lanario Falco biarmicus nel ponente Genovese. Luca Baghino
Abstract - Observation of a Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus in a town 25 km west of Genoa: this record turns out to be the fifth known for Liguria.
Parco di Villa Serra di Comago (Genova). Avifauna in un ciclo annuale. Aidi Ceciarelli & Giuseppe Valeri
Abstract - The park of Villa Serra di Comago (Genoa). Avifauna in an annual cycle. Results of a survey carried out in the public park of Villa Serra (GE) about quantity and kind of the local avifauna together with short historical information about the park and its plant formation are here shown and compared with a previous survey carried out in 1997/98. Observations have been done during 4 periods: from 1/XII/2011 to 15/II/2012; from 16/II/2012 to 31/V/2012; from 1/VI/2012 to 15/VIII/2012; from 16/VIII/2012 to 30/XI/2012 in order to cover the yearly cycle of birds movements and habits.
The species of survey ( see Tab. 1A for the systematic list, and phenologic category) identified are 58 and among those 23 probably or actually breeding.
L’Albanella pallida in Liguria (Circus macrourus). Enrico Borgo
Abstract – The Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus) in Liguria. Data about the historical and recent presence in Liguria of the Pallid Harrier are reported. A change of the regional phenologic categorie is proposed.
Mignattini e... Libellule. Gianni Lucchi
Abstract – Whiskered Terns and ... Dragonflies. Data on observations of Whiskered Tern and on predation of Dragonflies at sea are reported.
La notte per il giorno. Alessio Chiusi
Abstract – The night for the day. Data on a Woodcock feeding during the day due to the frozen ground are reported.
Colazione "al neon". Alessio Chiusi
Abstract - Breakfast "neon-light". Notes on the the habit of Blue tit Parus caeruleus and Great tit Parus major to feed on early morning on moths that were attracted by light during night time are reported.
Report annuale ligure: 2012. Redattori E.Borgo e M.Bottero