Il Biancone Numero 9 - Anno 2014
Notizie sulla reintroduzione dell’Ibis eremita in Europa meridionale. Alessio Chiusi
Primi dati sulla migrazione autunnale 2013 in Liguria, sito di Costa Fagaglia (Genova Prà). Marcello Bottero
Abstract- First data on the autumnal migration in Liguria, at the site of Costa Fagaglia
(Genova Pra’). Data on the survey regarding autumnal migration in Liguria, made from 26 August to 26 October at the site of Costa Fagaglia (near Genova Pra’, Central Liguria – approximately 44°
26’ 22” N 08° 46’ 51” E), are reported.
Mutazioni nel colore del piumaggio degli uccelli in natura. Alessio Chiusi
Abstract – Mutations in the color of the birds plumage in nature. Plumage colour mutations are known in nature and many birds with plumage showing variation were collected in the past in museum collections. The genetic nature of this mutation is now clear and described for many different birds species. We describe the nature and genetic heritance of the mainly know mutation in passerine bird and we propose to substitute old name describing the aberrant plumage with the name of the single mutation.
Nidificazione di Cavaliere d’Italia Himantopus himantopus nel Levante ligure. Roberto Giagnoni, Claudio Grillo, Marco Fortunato
Abstract – Data on the second Ligurian breeding of Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus (Linnaeus, 1758), which occurred after more than thirty years after the first, are reported.
Prima nidificazione ligure di Sterna comune Sterna hirundo (Linnaeus, 1758). Enrico Borgo
Abstract – First breeding of Common Tern Sterna hirundo (Linnaeus, 1758) in Liguria. Data on the first breeding of the Common Tern in the Ligurian region (NW Italy) are reported. One specimen (a pullus) was collected.
Predazione di nidi di Balestruccio Delichon urbicum (Linnaeus, 1758) da parte di Gazza Pica pica (Linnaeus, 1758). Alessio Chiusi
Abstract – Predation of nests of House Martin Delichon urbicum (Linnaeus, 1758) by Magpie Pica pica (Linnaeus, 1758). Magpie is a well known predator of eggs and nestling, mainly doe to a group of non breeding individuals. Here we describe a predation episode over House Martin colony made by a single individual.
Note curiose
Una ballerina caparbia. Alessio Chiusi
Abstract – An obstinate White Wagtail. Data on a unusual breeding of White Wagtail in a greenhouse are reported.
Report annuale ligure: 2013. Redattori E.Borgo e M.Bottero